The 2010 volume of Moon City Review takes “speculative futures” as its special theme, emphasizing utopian, diastopic, sci-fi and fantasy literature and criticism. In addition, MCR 2010 includes original poetry by Jim Daniels, Jeannine Hall Gailey, and Alysse Hotz; fiction by Juned Subhan, Nancy Gold, Ted Chiles, and Pete Duval; criticism by Landis Duffett; and creative nonfiction by Julie Platt. The “Archival Treasures” section continues its exploration of Ozarks-born artist and creator of the Kewpie, Rose O’Neill. New to this volume is a translations section, which includes Hernan Mugoya’s short story, “El Fantasma,” translated by Nikki Settlemeyer; and poetry by Per Aage Brandt, translated by Thomas Satterlee.