Moon City Review is co-hosting a reading with Laurel Review, Puerto del Sol, and Bear Review at AWP in L.A.! The MCR reps are the fabulous Kelli Short Borges and the stupendous Amorak Huey. The reading is at Bar Henry, Thursday, March 27, at 8 p.m., free and open to the public. Come on out and hear all of these amazing readers!
Here’s the complete cover and lineup for Moon City Review 2025, which will debut at AWP in a couple of weeks and then be available for order soon after:
Maureen Aitken, Amy Ash, Fez Avery, Abbie Barker, MB Barker, Zack Bean, Laurel Benjamin, Andrew Bertaina, Jake Bienvenue, Kelli Short Borges, Melissa Boston, Sarah Boudreau, Timothy Boudreau, Kevin Boyle, Craig Buchner, Burton Courtney, Myna Chang, Grant Chemidlin, Christine H. Chen, Brad Clompus, Johnny Cordova, Danny Coudriet, Julia Coursey, Kristin R. Crocker, Uyen Phuong Dang, Jim Daniels, Brianna Di Monda, Matthew Duffus, Jonathan Everitt, Jacklin Farley, Zachary Forrest Y Salazar, John Gallaher, Will Gibbons, Evelyn Gill, Madeline Graham, Mikaela Hagen, L Mari Harris, Claire Hero, Amorak Huey, Rachael Inciarte, Mickie Kennedy, James King, Frances Klein, Sydney Koeplin, Kathryn Kulpa, Patience Mackarness, Angie Macri, Kim Magowan, Suzanne Manizza Roszak, Andrea Marcusa, Amy Marques, Adam McOmber, Michael Meyerhofer, Jennifer Stewart Miller, Claudia Monpere, Lynn Mundell, Richard Newman, Tom Noyes, William Palomo, Rachel Marie Patterson, Kelly Pedro, Melanie Pierce, Matthew Pitt, Meg Pokrass, Kimberly Ann Priest, Jordan Ranft, Kim Steutermann Rogers, Elizabeth Rosen, Karen Schauber, M.C. Schmidt, Sonya Schneider, Annie Schumacher, Dara-Lyn Shrager, Onna Solomon, Brooke Spalding, Dawn Tasaka Steffler, Jesse Strauss, Brendan Todt, William Torrey, Erin Vachon, Nora Wagner, Wendy Wallace, Katie Ward, Vallie Lynn Watson, Rachel Weinhaus, Gabriel Welsch, Nathan Willis, Wendy Wisner, Ellen June Wright, Allison Wyss, and Claire Zhou.
Cover art by Courtney Burton and design by Shen Chen Hsieh.
Presenting the cover of Moon City Review 2025, due out at AWP at the end of March! Featuring a dope painting by Courtney Burton and this sharp design by Shen Chen Hsieh.
Complete author list and pre-order link coming soon!
Congrats and good luck to Audra Kerr Brown, Austin Sanchez-Moran, Anita Vijayakumar, Sarah Sassone, and Thea Swanson, Moon City Review‘s 2024 nominees for Best Microfiction!
Congrats to Shreya Fadia, B. Luke Wilson, Patricia Q. Bidar, Audra Kerr Brown, Daphne Daugherty, and Benjamin S. Grossberg, Moon City Review’s 2024 nominees for The Pushcart Prize!
Congrats to Zoa Coudret and Katy Gehan for being selected for the Best Microfiction anthology this year for work that appeared in Moon City Review! The honored stories are:
Congrats and good luck to Moon City Review‘s 2023 Best Small Fictions nominees: Robert P. Kaye, Skyler Melnick, Leigh Camacho Rourks, Chelsea Stickle, and Lauren Woods!